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The artist Aistė Kirvelytė belongs to the 20th century. for the debutante generation of the end of the last decade. At that time, the borders of the states that opened up gave the creators opportunities to join the modern art processes. A. Kirvelytė's work was (and is) influenced by social transformations and globalism, it was inevitably influenced by the media, events in her personal life and places where she had to live, study or create. The artist's works, often compared by critics to the classics of painting and cinema, gravitate between postmodern irony and respect for color and stroke, and large-format canvases make you question your own size". It publishes articles by professors Natalija Arlauskaitė, Alfonso Andriuškevičius, art critic Kęstutis Šapokas, the artist's own stories about places, workshops and creative inspirations, a detailed list of works and other information.    


Texts: Natalija Arlauskaitė, Alfonsas Andriuškevičius, Aistė Kirvelytė, Kęstutis Šapoka Publisher: VšĮ "Fontano romas", 2023

Catalog volume: 176 pages, 4 x 4

Size: 280 x 240 mm

Catalog  ISBN 978-609-96242-1-1 



Aistė Kirvelytė. Catalog of works Catalog raisonne 1989-2023


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