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Lena Chvičija

Aistė Bugailiškytė, lietuvių dailininkė

Lena Chvičija - in 2020 obtained a master's degree in restoration of easel painting from VDA, in 2004 VPU – Master's degree in Art Didactics. In 2002 she graduated from VPU bachelor's degree in Arts and Technology.

Lena's paintings at first glance, calm textures manage to create visual depth and a third dimension, even though they do not have clear hints of the real world. It is important to mention that even in her completely abstract works, you can feel meaningful content - they are like subconscious reflections of the impressions and moods experienced by the author.

"I like to walk around dark city and take a leisurely look through the windows-screens of lighted rooms: you can see at least the height of ceiling, fragments of the interior, figures or shadows of residents. Sometimes on balconies or open windows, silhouettes with cigarettes or glasses in their hands make excuses or argue, sometimes the silhouettes have a special tactility, which allows us to imagine the development of these hints", says painter.

L. Chvičija since 2008 has been holding personal exhibitions every year in Lithuania and abroad: in the Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Bulgaria, Egypt, Moldova, Belgium, etc.

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